Digital Health

The Northern Health Science Alliance has supported digital health companies globally


The convergence of digital technologies, health and computing power is changing the way we deliver care. The North is at the forefront of providing a research and testing environment for companies at the cutting-edge of digital health. We have worked with companies ranging from SMEs to large medical technology companies – where the NHSA has acted as a single point of contact to the full breadth of the North’s £17bn health economy.

NHSA support

The NHSA brokered relationships between digital health companies and research active clinicians from across the North’s leading NHS Trusts. Working next to clinical teams companies have been able to produce road-maps for the development and clinical validation of their technology. The NHSA has worked with companies to build health economic business cases for wider implementation of their technology into the NHS through partnering with leading health economic teams from York and Sheffield. We’ve been able to scale up the deployment of these technologies to other Northern centres and city regions using our well-established networks.


The NHSA has helped digital health companies to validate and scale their technology across the North of England. Examples include: working with IBM Watson to establish new R&D partnerships to validate the role of AI in healthcare, supporting two NHS National Innovation Award Fellows in building meaningful and value creating connections with NHS Trusts.

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