Health Equity North
More information about our work with around health inequalities
Health inequalities between the North and the rest of England are deeply entrenched and widening. The NHSA recognises the importance of tackling these inequalities and the benefit the excellence of the region’s expertise in this area can bring to its people. The NHSA’s work in health inequalities research is world-leading and has made a significant national impact.
This led to the launch of Health Equity North in April 2023, a virtual institute focused on place-based solutions to public health problems and health inequalities.
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Meet the Health Equity North Team

Hannah Davies
Executive Director
Hannah has led the Northern Health Science Alliance’s health inequalities work from launching the 2018 Health for Wealth report to its most recent reports developing relationships with academics, government and other stakeholders. She is also Deputy Chief Executive at the NHSA.

Professor Kate Pickett
Academic Co-Director
Kate is a world-leading figure in public health. She heads the Public Health and Society Research Group and is Deputy Director of the Centre for Future Health at the University of York. She is co-author, with Richard Wilkinson, of the bestselling The Spirit Level (2009) and The Inner Level (2018). Kate co-led the NHSA/N8 Child of the North report.

Professor David Taylor-Robinson
Academic Co-Director
David is a Professor of Public Health and Policy at the University of Liverpool, and a Professor of Child Public Health at the University of Copenhagen. He works clinically as a Consultant in Public Health at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool. David leads Liverpool’s Health Inequalities Policy Research Group (HIPR) and he recently co-led the N8/NHSA Child of the North report.

Professor Clare Bambra
Academic Co-Director
She is a Professor of Public Health, at Newcastle University and author of Health Divides and An Unequal Pandemic. She leads the health and care inequalities theme for the National Institute for Health and Care Research Applied Research Collaborations and is a Senior Investigator in the NIHR ARC North East and North Cumbria. Clare led the Health for Wealth report and co-led the Covid19 reports.

Dr Luke Munford
Academic Co-Director
Luke is a Senior Lecturer in Health Economics at The University of Manchester. He co-leads the ‘health in a wider context’ theme within the School of Health Sciences as well as the economic sustainability theme within the NIHR ARC Greater Manchester. Luke led the Health Inequalities in Left Behind Neighbourhoods report and co-led the Covid19 reports.
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