EVENT: Bridging the gap, TITCH/NHSA

BRIDGING THE GAP – Supporting Child Health Technology Development as a Clinical-Industry Partnership Industrial Collaboration Event

27th March 2017

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TITCH (Technology Innovation Transforming Child Health) is a national healthcare technology network that has been established to support the development of technology solutions to help improve children’s healthcare.

Fundamental to the success of the TITCH network, is being provided with a platform to interact and forge collaborations with Industry, in an area which can present mutually beneficial opportunities for all stakeholders to accelerate the development and adoption of technology for children’s healthcare.

HOST: Northern Health Science Alliance and TITCH
LOCATION: University of Liverpool in London, 33 Finsbury Square, London, EC2A 1AG
DATE: 27TH April 2017, 10:00-15:00, Lunch will be provided
PURPOSE: To bring together key stakeholders to support the development of children’s healthcare technology and innovation
ATTENDEES: TITCH Network Partners, Industry, NHSA MEMBERS, NIHR HTCs and DEC, AHSNs, NOCRI, CRN-Children, UCL-Partners, Birmingham Health Partners, NHS Trusts, Medilink, Medipex, TrustTECH, MedConnect North, NHS Innovation Accelerator, NIHR i4i and other relevant stakeholders.
Professor Paul Dimitri, Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust Prof Heather Elphick, Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust Mr Iain Hennessey, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust Karen Livingstone, SBRI Healthcare Dr Hakim Yadi, NHSA Matthew Hallsworth, Head of External Relations at NOCRI.
The event will be opened by Dr. Hakim Yadi. Prof. Paul Dimitri will set the scene for the day, presenting the importance of the development and adoption of technology to support children’s healthcare. Our invited speakers will present on their experience of technology development in the NHS , emphasising the support provided. This will be followed by four roundtable discussions led by facilitators, to understand the barriers in developing technology for children’s healthcare, and to determine how we can establish a pipeline to accelerate paediatric technology development, clinical evaluation and adoption in the NHS.


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