NHSA welcomes findings of The Marmot Review 10 Years On
NHSA responds to 'Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On'
Read the articleComment, analysis and news about the Northern Health Science Alliance and its members. For NHSA media enquiries, contact: ruth.boston@theNHSA.co.uk
NHSA responds to 'Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On'
Read the articleWe’ve partnered up with N8 Research Partnership on our successful #NorthInnovationWomen campaign
Read the articleNorth healthy ageing experts are travelling to Toronto as part of an NHSA-led delegation
Read the articleOur Deputy Chief Executive has been awarded the title of Professor in Practice by Durham University.
Read the articleNHSA's Dr Ben Martyn takes on new role as Cluster Development Manager
Read the articleResearchers invited to apply for fund that aims to inspire innovations to improve the quality of life for people as they age.
Read the articleNHSA calls on new Government to balance the UK’s economy through investment in the North’s health
Read the articleNorthern Health Science Alliance collaborative project has been shortlisted for the HSJ Partnership Awards 2020
Read the articleDr Michael J Porter, Lecturer in Medical Sciences at the University of Central Lancashire, on sepsis - a condition he researches, teaches and one which put him in a three-month coma
Read the article